Friday, May 30, 2008

Welcome to my official blog!
Here i created a space for me to share with you my latest news - either by pictures, comments or images.
Thank you for visiting it and enjoy it!


david santos said...

Excellent posting, Carmen, excellent!
Good luck

AndreRieuFans said...

Hello Dear Carmen! Congratulations on your new Blog. I am looking forward to updates on your career. Hope to see you again soon ~ maybe on your own CD? :)

Kindest Regards, Sally

andre rieu friend said...

Hello Carmen,
Congratulations on your great new blog. I just saw you in Atlantic City and Reading with Andre Rieu and you were fantastic as always. I wish you lots of luck in your career and always.
Jeanine Ann
Andre Rieu Friend

Marlene Warren said...

Hello Carmen! I love your new blog and have enjoyed reading about your accomplishments.
You are a very beautiful person and you do touch our hearts with your music and your beautiful voice.
I wish you the best in your career and I hope we will be seeing a new cd from you soon!
You take care of yourself and be safe and happy always! :-)

Sonja said...

Dear Carmen

As you told me in your sweet letter, you have now opened your blog. I love the design. We also use blogspot for the Harmony Parlor and you can do a lot with it.
I think it is a great idea to get the fan's input for the new CD you will start in June. I am very flattered that you requested that.
I will see you again soon. In Amsterdam, but also in Maastricht were our fan group just was able to get front row center seats for Friday and Sunday, so we will all be there right upfront sending you more of that good energy.

Arie Bussemaker said...

Dear Carmen
Congratulations with your new informative Blogger.
I have a short Brazilian video with you and Roger Waters at:
and also 3 new beautiful pictures from you on stage in Manaus.
As you wrote me several times, I'll see you somewhere again.
If your new CD is ready, I will have it.
Your friend, Arie

Randi said...

Hi Carmen, I discovered you when I discovered Andre, and you are amazing. I was so sorry that we missed you in Tampa at the april concert, but look forward to seeing you perform in the future and the release of your cd. Best Regards, Randi.

Eileen said...

Dear Carmen, How wonderful to see you again in Rochester, Atlantic City and Reading! I am so happy you are going to make a CD and anything you include would be fine with me. I especially like "Mein Lippen", "Vilja Song"
and of course it would not be complete without "O Mio Babbino Caro". I wish I was able to come see you in Maastricht with all my fan friends. Take care and much luck in you career. Eileen

Randi said...

Hi Carmen, One more thing, on your new cd please include Ava Maria and of course O Mio Babbino Caro. Actually, anything you sing is amazing. Have a Great Day. Randi

JannT. said...

Hi Carmen, your new blog looks great. There is one song I would love to hear you sing on your new CD ~ Habanera from Carmen, I've heard you do it on tour and with your rich voice, it's outstanding.
We are all looking forward to seeing you during the Australian tour. Until then all the best in both your professional and private life.

Martha said...

Hi Carmen!
What a nice blog, you are so well loved and appreciated. I loved seeing you in person for the second time. You are so beautiful and you warm voice so beautiful to hear. Thank you for a wonderful performance in Baltimore, a God success in your career and I will be keeping a lookout on all your whereabouts.

Adoring Fan,
Martha Strickland

Arie Bussemaker said...

Lovely Carmen
There are pictures of a concert where you were wearing a blue dress, dated Feb 28 2007. Where and what kind of concert was that? Was that in Manaus? I appreciate your comment, Arie.




Olá Carmen!
Sou super fã do André Rieu e lógicamente sua fã também!
Alé de amar canto lírico, sou fonoaudióloga especialista em Voz, acredito que nada neste mundo passe tanta emoção quanto a voz humana.
Gostaria de parabenizá-la pela sua bela voz e suas performances fantásticas!
Espero que tudo continue maravilhoso na sua vida, um grande abraço.

andrrerieu fan said...

Hello carmen,I things are well with you. an andrerieu fan

Ann said...

Dear Carmen, I was so thrilled to be able to meet you and give you the Koala in Maastricht. You are a lovely lady with a beautiful voice and I really look forward to hearing you sing live in Australia.
Very best wishes & kindest regards,
your Adelaide fan, Ann

Ann said...

Dear Carmen, I was thrilled to be able to meet you and give you the Koala in Maastricht. You are a lovely lady with a beautiful voice and I am looking forward to hearing you sing in Australia. I will be at 4 concerts here.
Kindest regards, your fan from Adelaide, Ann

Unknown said...

Hi carmen, I am looking forward to seeing you in australia, maybe even getting close enough to say hello. you are not only a very gifted singer but also a beautiful person. I wish you nothing but the best. PAT, andrerieu fan

Unknown said...

Dear Carmen,

My Name is Cheryl, I am from Suriname, South America, I first saw/heard you a week ago on TV. Never have i heard such a soprano, and the way you express yourself, the bodylanguage while singing, marvelous, more than that! My sincere compliments. Good luck and keep up the good work!

Arie Bussemaker said...

Dear Carmen
The Guestbook of your official Website needs your attention.
Your Fan, Arie

otilia said...

Dear Carmen,

I have to say congratulations for your carier and your apearences and a lot of love in behalf of my 19 month son , Dimitrie, who i supose is inlove with you cause when he see you on dvd (live in maastricht )he is smiling am blushing . He loves to be like Andre Rieu (has a toy violin)as you can see here :

Alejo_Blues said...

Usted es la mujer más hermosa que he visto en toda mi vida...y su voz es celestial...Espero algún día conocerla en persona.....

Giancarlo Acconcia said...


You are the best. We brasilian love you!

A hug for you!


don.stuart said...

Carmen, Vilja lied has bewitched me.
I have never in all my long, long, years, been affected by such a performance of yours.It is engraved in my mind. Donald Stuart

Anonymous said...

Como adquirir seu DVD e seu CD.
Parabens por sua apresentação no programa do Jô no dia 30/07/2010.
Fiquei encantado com sua voz e você.

fenrir said...

Hola Carmen, soy de México, pero me encanta la manera en ke cantas, la interpretación y proyección, un deleite escucharte.

Sinceramente algo bello, pro cierto como se puede conseguir tu cd, en México.

Dios te bendiga.